Warehouse Operator III



Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China
Posted on Friday, March 15, 2024

主要职责Core Job Responsibilities

  • 按照流程执行物料的收货、入库、发料、发运和盘点工作。确保准时准确。
  • Follow the procedure to handle material receiving, storage, dispatch, distribution and cycle counting. Ensure on time and accuracy.
  • 按照流程执行化学品仓库日常管理。
  • Follow the procedure to handle chemical warehouse management.
  • 按照流程执行废粉库日常管理。
  • Follow the procedure to handle waste powder warehouse management.
  • 按照流程执行扣留/不合格品管理。
  • Follow the procedure to handle quarantine/rejected material management.
  • 按照流程执行仓库设备、工具和环境的清洁工作。
  • Follow the procedure to implement warehouse equipment, tools and environment cleaning.
  • 按照流程执行仓库设备日常点检维护。
  • Follow the procedure to implement warehouse equipment daily check and maintenance.
  • 保证和推动仓库内的安全、质量和持续改进。
  • Ensure safety, quality and implement continuous improvement in warehouse.
  • 与跨部门保持工作沟通。
  • Keep close communication with cross function teams.
  • 向新人提供基本的仓库操作培训。
  • Provide basic warehouse SOP training to new operators.
  • 完成其他主管安排的任务。
  • Complete other tasks delivered by supervisor.

最低学历要求Minimum Education

  • 高中及以上。
  • High school or above.
  • 叉车驾驶证。
  • Forklift driving license.

最低经验/培训要求Minimum Experience / Training Required

  • 五年及以上仓库工作经验。
  • At least 5 years warehouse working experience.
  • 优先选择有班次组长工作经验的。
  • Once to be a shift leader is preferred.