Bionano Genomics
Bionano Genomics


United States · San Diego, CA, USA


Biotechnology · DeepTech · Health


201-1000 employees



founded in


Bionano Genomics is a biotechnology company that specializes in genome mapping and analysis. The company develops and markets the Saphyr system, which is a platform for ultra-sensitive and ultra-specific structural variation detection in DNA. Structural variations are alterations in the DNA structure, such as insertions, deletions, inversions, and translocations, that can be associated with various genetic disorders and diseases, including cancer. Bionano Genomics' Saphyr system uses a technology called optical genome mapping (OGM) to analyze long DNA molecules. OGM allows for the direct visualization and analysis of structural variations in the genome without the need for sequencing. This technology can provide valuable insights into the structural variations in an individual's genome, which can be important for understanding disease mechanisms, and genetic disorders, and for guiding personalized treatment strategies.

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