Centre for Genomic Regulation
Centre for Genomic Regulation


Barcelona, Spain · Barcelona, Spain · Catalonia, Spain · Sant Celoni, Barcelona, Spain


Biotechnology · Community and Lifestyle · Education · Health


201-1000 employees



founded in


The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is an innovative centre for basic research created in December 2000 by initiative of the former Department of Universities, Research and Information Society (DURSI) of the Catalan Government. The CRG is legally constituted as a non-profit foundation and has the participation from the Catalan Government through the Economy and Knowledge Department (DECO) and the Health Department (DS), as well as from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness (MINECO). It is an international biomedical research institute of excellence whose mission is to discover and advance knowledge for the benefit of society, public health and economic prosperity. The CRG believes that the medicine of the future depends on the groundbreaking science of today. This requires an interdisciplinary scientific team focused on understanding the complexity of life from the genome to the cell to a whole organism and its interaction with the environment, offering an integrated view of genetic diseases. The CRG is a unique centre in Spain, based in an innovative organization research model. Group leaders at the CRG are recruited internationally and receive support from the centre to set up and run their groups. An external Scientific Advisory Board, made up of 13 world leaders in the different areas, evaluates them. The result of evaluations conditions the future of the CRG scientists, no matter whether they have open-ended or time-limited contracts. This ensures the mobility and the renewal of the workforce.

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